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CBS has bought Legacy, a drama project from Jericho co-creator Jonathan E. Steinberg, DreamWorks TV and author James Frey?s book-packaging company Full Fathom Five. The project has received a script commitment plus penalty from the network and has been laid off at CBS TV Studios. It centers on one-term President who goes back to work at his hometown law firm where he hand-picks the cases that really matter to him. Steinberg, who will write the script, is executive producing with Frey, Justin Falvey and Darryl Frank. The idea for the project was generated by A Million Little Pieces author Frey?s IP company, which focuses mostly on young-adult fiction. Six months ago, Frey came to Los Angeles to pitch the company?s catalog, and WME ? which reps him, DreamWorks TV and Steinberg ? got them together to develop Legacy. The project was pitched directly to the networks, landing at CBS. In addition to Legacy, Steinberg has a Beauty and the Beast reboot in the works at ABC/ABC Studios this development season. It combines elements of the classic fairy tale and fantasy world aspects a la Game of Thrones. Steinberg most recently developed Fox?s drama Human Target based on the comic book. DreamWorks TV recently sold drama Raiding Party to Fox and also has The Americans and Under the Dome in the works at FX and Showtime, respectively.
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Thank you so much for watching this. I get scared to share things like this because this is so deep in my heart, so thank you for allowing me to share this with you all. Apologies if my facts are a bit off.. I know a lot of those stats were from 2008 and most facts are for the US ONLY not in the world.. Check out the prizes here: Here are the rules: 1) Subscribed to my channel and Erin?s Channel 2) This is international 3) You must be 18 years or older 4) 4 ways you can enter. You can enter it just one way or all! a) Leave a comment ? 1 entry b) Video Response ? 5 entries Leave a response ? making sure my username is in the title. tell me a little bit about yourself and what is important in your life or a cause that you stand by. c) Donate money each dollar is 2 entries show how to donate MAKE SURE you email the receipt or screenshot so I can make sure I enter you in correctly. d) Follow and leave a comment on my blog ? 1 entry 5) 4 winners between me and erin You can choose to just enter for my prizes or for Erin?s prizes, but must subscribe to both of us. 6) This giveaway will end Sept 30, 2011 @ 11:59 EST second prize L?oreal Color of Hope Cosmetics Gift Set part of the proceeds get donated to first prize teal Netaya necklace Butter nail polish in Artful Dodger and Bluey (Thank you Michelle!) Adara coconut oil in Unscented (Thank you Michelle!) MUFE eyeliner in Diamond Turquoise Blue This ?
See the original post: GIVEAWAY!!!! for ovarian cancer awareness
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Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day event on October 1st
Nevada State Parks in cooperation with the Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park Backcounrty Patrol, the Reno Wheelmen, and the Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association (TAMBA) will host young riders, ages 6 to 16, for a youth mountain biking event. The ride is part of a nationwide celebration known as Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, supported by the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA).
The event occurs on Saturday, October 1, beginning at 9:30 am at the Spooner Lake entrance of Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park. Participants must bring a bike and helmet and a parent or guardian to sign the participation form. Parents and friends are welcome and encouraged to ride, too. There is no fee for the event, however there is an entrance fee to access the state park.
There will be safe riding information, bike safety checks, riding tips, and informal skill clinics. Groups of kids with similar skills will then be taken on the beginner trail around Spooner Lake by experienced bike patrol members. Goodie bags will be given to the first 50 kids to show up.
IMBA?s International Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day celebrates the life of Jack Doub, an avid teenage mountain biker from North Carolina who had a true passion for the sport from an early age to the time when he passed away in 2002. Event funding is provided by the Jack Doub Memorial Endowment. Additional support comes from CLIF Kids, the National Park Service and Smartwool.
Additional assistance for the celebration is provided by Trips for Kids, an organization that has been helping disadvantaged kids discover mountain biking since 1988. Trips for Kids chapters nationwide make a difference in kids? lives by opening their world to mountain biking.
Additional Information
Kevin Joell: 775-233-5419
Toby Welborn: 775-815-9398
The Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park Backcountry Patrol offers a valuable service to all trail users as ambassadors to both the sport of mountain biking and the Tahoe area. The most common assistance provided is answering questions about the park history, trail recommendations, or riding etiquette; but the patrollers are also ready to fix a flat tire, bandage a wound, or assist with an emergency evacuation. The all volunteer patrol is in its tenth year of service. It is an International Mountain Bicycling Association affiliated National Mountain Bike Patrol, and one of the largest chapters in the country.
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Teaching our children on the web safety is each and every bit as crucial these days as teaching them the basics of ?actual world? physical security. The old adages of ?don?t speak to strangers? and other similar sayings now have their own electronic counterparts, and you need to be aware of all of the possibilities to make certain the safety of your kids when they go on the world wide web. Here are the key hazards of young children going online, along with a couple of bits of suggestions on how to deal with them.
Hazardous Programs/Software program On the internet ? viruses, spyware, worms, and trojans are some of the key threatening software program that can be encountered online. Having security programs that detect and block incoming threats is not constantly sufficient. Considering that these programs can ride piggyback disguised as or attached to harmless searching email, make positive that your youngsters never accept email from any sources they do not know, and even to reject ones with suspicious sounding names even from sources that they DO trust, as their friends? computers could have gotten infected and the emails sent out automatically by the viruses. On a related note, teach your children the significance of maintaining a firewall and anti virus shield. Show them how to operate them, and tell them In no way to turn it off just due to the fact the firewall might be performing some thing ?inconvenient? like blocking a game web site.
Verbal Abuse Online ? wether in chat rooms, forums, clubs, and on-line gaming, there are sufficient vicious, little minded, stupid, and harmful folks that could heap verbal abuse on your children, swearing at them or producing sexual advances on them, or even striking at their religious or ethnic backgrounds. Teach your children that they do NOT have to put up with this on-line any more than they have to in real life. They ought to know how to get recordings or screenshots of the instances, and take them to you. You can then make sure your child?s safety by contacting the moderator of the forum, game, site, etc. in question and having them ban the offending parties. If the abuse is excessive, you can even opt for taking legal action against the individual or people involved, just as you would push a slander and abuse charge if they did it on the street. The internet?s benefit in such circumstances is that screenshots and official records from the web sites can be employed as tough evidence, unlike actual-life verbal abuse cases where the evidence is usually gleaned from dependable witnesses.
Phishing ? one more danger online is the crime of phishing. This entails individuals contacting you or your young children claiming to be something harmless like a bill collector, law enforcer, government employee, salesman, etc and attempting to get you or your children to give them sensitive information over the world wide web. This normally involves points like credit card numbers, residence phone and address, social security numbers, etc. As in actual life, the best defense against this is to teach your youngsters to in no way divulge any info to somebody they do not personally know, and to prevent giving out extra-sensitive details (credit card!) to any person, even those they DO know. 1 kind of software that helps defend against these cases is the supervisor monitoring program. These packages are generally meant for office use to monitor the times a user logged into a laptop or computer, what websites they visited, whch programs had been run, what was downloaded and uploaded, and even what was typed. Even though this will not directly prevent phishing in case your kids DO give out info inadvertently, it WILL at least enable you to discover out right after the reality and to take suitable legal measures making use of that tough evidence against the parties involved.
Stuff You Don?t Want Them Seeing ? lastly there are, sadly, many sites out there that we don?t want our kids seeing. Aside from the obvious pornographic web sites there are also ones involving graphic displays of extremes of violence, or have teachings and ideologies we?d rather not have our kids exposed to. To stop this, parental lock programs and timers can be utilized to limit which sites your youngsters can pay a visit to and how lengthy they can stay on the internet. These kinds of software mesh perfectly with the supervisor monitoring program (mentioned in Phishing, above) to enable you to know what your young children are performing on-line when they think you?re not seeking.
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Posted by Chad M. on Monday, September 19, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?
Robert Heinlen is one of the best known names in Sci?ence Fic?tion; up there with Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asi?mov as some of the truly mono?lithic giants of the genre. With that said, Heinlein?s writ?ing is prob?a?bly the hard?est to be objec?tive about, because the ground it cov?ers can be so bat?shit insane. How?ever, I?ll be gloss?ing over Heinlein?s later work and focus?ing on one of his more per?pet?u?ally pop?u?lar (and prob?a?bly most read?able) nov?els, Star?ship Troop?ers. Because rather than mak?ing opposite-sex clones of your?self and sleep?ing with them,? or?just every?thing in Farnham?s Free?hold, Star?ship Troop?ers is about some?thing closer to sanity.
The story fol?lows Juan Rico on his jour?ney from High School grad to mem?ber of the elite Mobile Infantry? mark?ing the first appear?ance of pow?ered armor in fic?tion. The mobile infantry are, there?fore, pretty much the arche?typal space marines. The Mobile Infantry go through train?ing from hell like any good spe?cial forces unit, and go on a hunt for mas?sive space?far?ing bugs that have rav?aged human colonies. Now, don?t think you?re get?ting off easy, reader, because?Hein?lein has a pen?chant for deal?ing out chunks of his per?sonal phi?los?o?phy sec?ond only to Ayn Rand.? And in this case, his philo?soph?i?cal bent is, depend?ing on your par?tic?u?lar inter?pre?ta?tion; either in favor of serv?ing the gov?ern?ment in order to attain full vot?ing rights, or in favor of a mil?i?taris?tic sys?tem where only sol?diers can vote. Nat?u?rally, your inter?pre?ta?tion may vary. But hey, even if the pol?i?tics bug you (pun intended), there?s still plenty of large-scale arthro?pod extermination.
Star?ship Troop?ers was first turned into a video game with the obscure 1982 com?puter game Klen?dathu, named for one of the plan?ets the bugs oper?ate from. In addi?tion there were a few games based on the (enjoy?able if you know what you?re get?ting into) 1997 Paul Ver?ho?even adap?ta?tion, but to be hon?est? I?m going to go in a dif?fer?ent direc?tion from my usual Page To Pixel arti?cles and have a look at the influ?ence Star?ship Troop?ers has had on games in general.
Now, as I men?tioned before, Star?ship Troop?ers is pretty much the source for the con?cept of pow?ered armor. Suits of pow?ered armor, of course, have been seen in every?thing from the Broth?er?hood of Steel?s bulky, Impe?r?ial Dark Trooper-esque suits to the sleek nanosuits in Cry?sis, to Earth?worm Jim?s Super-Suit. Pow?ered armor of course serves the func?tion of any armor, to pro?tect the soft fleshy per?son inside, as well as for?ti?fy?ing and increas?ing the strength of that per?son. The suits may also have addi?tional func?tions such as tar?get?ing sys?tems ( the Silencers in Cru?sader), means of travel such as jet?packs ( the Jump Jet Troop?ers in Com?mand & Con?quer), or even Preda?tor?style stealth as seen in Cry?sis and (nat?u?rally) Alien vs. Preda?tor.
In addi?tion, the con?cept of the space marine began in Star?ship Troop?ers, although the Mobile Infantry aren?t marines per se; the idea of space?borne troops that oper?ate from drop?ships began here. There were per?haps two non-video game fran?chises that helped to evolve our mod?ern con?cept of the space marine in the 1980s. The film Aliens fea?tured a squad of Colo?nial Marines sent to dis?patch alien ?bugs?, and Warham?mer 40,000?s Space Marines are the 8-foot tall, ornately armored, two-hearted heroes of the Imperium. Per?haps not coin?ci?den?tally, both are get?ting video game install?ments con?cen?trated on in-your-face space marinery.
The space marine is prac?ti?cally a video game arche?type. The Doom guy, the Ter?ran Marines in Star?craft, Mas?ter Chief, Com?man?der Shep?ard and the assorted meat?heads of Gears of War all fit the space marine style to a T, and they?re just the tip of the ice?berg. Halo is prob?a?bly the best exam?ple of Star?ship Troop?ers? endur?ing legacy on video games. It ticks all the major fea?tures that Troop?ers con?tributed? you play a space marine in pow?ered armor, oper?at?ing from the Foe Ham?mer dropship?I don?t want to call Halo uno?rig?i?nal (for my own ben?e?fit, as I know the inter?net will bite my head off for not con?sid?er?ing it to be a com?pletely orig?i?nal work.), but the impact of Heinlein?s themes are quite clearly shown in the?game.
Finally, the entire Mil?i?tary Sci?ence Fic?tion sub-genre, one which encom?passes numer?ous nov?els and games, was essen?tially launched with Star?ship Troop?ers. Even Star Wars fran?chise games like TIE Fighter and Repub?lic Com?mando fall into the mil?i?tary SF genre, pre?sent?ing a look at the rank and file front-line fight?ers as opposed to the more glam?ourous heroes the movies present.? So the next time you?re play?ing?a game set in the dis?tant (or not too dis?tant, for that mat?ter) future, and you?re drop?ping from a ship or flip?ping your ride over with the help of your armor-strength, remem?ber where it all started.
Filed under Page to Pixel, PC ? Tagged with brotherhood of steel, command & conquer, Doom, Fallout, games, gaming, halo, Master Chief, orca, robert heinlein, spartan, starship troopers
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N? matter ???t wh? ??? m?ght b?, wh?r? ??? work, ?r wh?t type ?f computer ??? utilize ? ???r computer data ?? always vulnerable. W?th malware, harmful electrical currents, thunderstorms, natural disasters, human errors, ?nd hackers ?b??t, th? risks w?ll nearly always b? serious. T? b? ?n th? safe side, ????ll h??? t? backup ???r data files ?nd keep carrying ?t out ?n a regular basis. In th? case ?f ???r hard disk drive fault, ????ll need data recovery ? wh??h usually ?? th? ?nl? solution unfilled.
Here ?r? a few vital things t? consider before ???r venture ?n learning information recovery. In case one ?r ??m? ?f ???r programs ?t?rt t? perform unusually, closing th? laptop ?r computer down ???ld b? th? proper thing t? d?. Th?? w?ll ?l?? apply wh?n ??? ?t?rt t? notice peculiar sounds wh??h m?? b? a clear indicator ?f ???r hard drive crashing. If ??? don?t work q???k, ???r harddrive m?? r??n itself ?nd ?? a result w?ll result ?n data loss.
Sh??ld th?? happen, ?nd ??? suffer a loss ?f ?ll ???r data, ??? shouldn?t try t? repair th? hard drive yourself unless ??? know precisely h?w t? proceed. ?At th?? phase, professional file recovery services aren?t ?nl? a luxury ? th???re something ????ll want. ?Th? procedure f?r data recovery ?? time consuming, ?nd requires both tools along w?th a ?l??n work environment. ?Trying t? r?ght a hard drive ?ll ?n ???r ?wn ?? extremely hard, ?nd ??n turn out m?k?ng matters far worse ?f ??? don?t know wh?t ??? d?.
Despite th? fact th?t here ?r? software unfilled f?r data recovery, ??? shouldn?t ??? th?m ?f ??? don?t know wh?t ??? ?r? responsibility. ?W?th nearly ?ll hard drive problems being very intricate, software ?? capable ?f responsibility more h?rt th?n ????ll?nt. ?Despite th? fact th?t companies m?? declare th?t th??r software w?ll repair th? problem ?nd retrieve vital computer data, ?t ?? best t? b? careful ?nd simply avoid th? ??? ?f d?-?t-yourself software.
T? m?k? sure th?t ???r hard drive ?? well ?? th? information lost ?r? t? b? recovered securely, ??? ?h??ld bring ?t t? ???r nearest local professional file recovery company service. B? responsibility th??, ??? ??n rest assured th?t ???r ?wn hard drive ?? ?n th? proper hands ?nd m?? b? set ?? promptly ?? doable. In th? event ???r hard drive ??n?t b? repaired even b? experts ?n th? area ?f file recovery, ???r ?nl? ?h???? ?? t? b?? a replacement ?nd th?n m?k? ??rt??n th?t ??? back up th? files wh??h ?r? stored ?n ?t.
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What it is advisable learn about dropping pounds naturally is that it requires quite a little bit of hard work and restraint on your part. The two most necessary parts of losing a few pounds are train and healthy eating. Without these parts of weight reduction, there?s a good chance that you?ll not lose any weight, in truth, it?s possible you?ll keep on gaining more.
Relating to maintaining a healthy diet, there are numerous women who do not know where to start. One of the first issues that it would be best to do is begin researching wholesome meals and healthy recipes. You are able to do this by both utilizing the internet, which needs to be free, or by buying a group of healthy eating cookbooks. These healthy eating cookbooks are sometimes accessible for sale in health stores, malls, and ebook stores, both on and offline. As soon as you understand what to prepare dinner, you possibly can then start consuming healthy.
Speaking eating healthy, it is important that you do not carry on consuming the identical foods time and again, irrespective of how good they taste. Unfortunately, many women end up losing interest with eating the identical meals again and again. That is usually what leads many women off of the wholesome eating path. This is a mistake that you do not want to make. Maybe, that is why you should purchase a set of healthy eating cookbooks or take the time to analysis healthy eating recipes online, because it offers you a larger collection of foods to choose from.
As previously stated, exercise is the other essential element of dropping weight. In case you are taken with seriously reducing weight, it will be significant that you simply start exercising. In the case of exercising and understanding, you can find that you have a variety of completely different options. For a lot of people, exercising means hitting their local fitness center, but it could possibly additionally mean going for a morning walk or run. Whether or not you put in an exercise DVD at your house or decide to lift weight at your local health center, this train is necessary to you, your health, and your weight loss goals.
As with eating healthy foods, you may need to take into consideration spicing up your exercises and workouts as well. This may enable you stay enthusiastic about shedding pounds and exercising. To help preserve the thrill alive, in addition to give you a bit bit of motivation, you may want to think about contacting some of your pals or relations to see in the event that they wish to grow to be your exercise companion or workout buddy.
In brief, the mix of wholesome eating and exercise is certain to spell success. Whereas it does take numerous arduous work and dedication to shed pounds, you?ll probably be more than pleased with the results.
In case you crave additional info about ideal weight for women, visit Rodger B Twehegen?s Site in a jiffy.
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Actress Loretta Devine poses backstage with her award for outstanding guest actress in a drama series at the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards on Saturday Sept. 10, 2011 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
Actress Loretta Devine poses backstage with her award for outstanding guest actress in a drama series at the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards on Saturday Sept. 10, 2011 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
Loretta Devine arrives at the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards on Saturday Sept. 10, 2011 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Emmy nominees are always talented, and in the days leading up to the awards ceremony many are gifted, too.
Gift suites catering to Emmy nominees and presenters beckoned the stars, writers and producers of TV's top shows Saturday with loads of luxury freebies.
The stars who came by the Nokia Theatre to rehearse for Sunday's ceremony were invited backstage to the HP Touchsmart Gift Lounge, where HP gave away notebook computers and made a donation to the TV academy's nonprofit foundation for each celeb who stopped by.
Actor David Boreanaz of TV's "Bones" came to the suite with his family in the morning and was among the stars who collected bedazzled toasters, sneakers made from recycled plastic water bottles, designer sunglasses, Centrum vitamins, Nautica watches and a $700 hair dryer.
At the Four Seasons Hotel across town, the HBO Luxury Lounge was a crowded, multi-room affair that drew LL Cool J, Loretta Devine, who won an Emmy for her guest-starring role on "Grey's Anatomy," ''Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner and veteran actress Cloris Leachman, among others.
Guests could retreat to a mini spa, where L'Oreal provided manicures, makeovers, hairdos and hot shaves. They could sip cocktails inspired by HBO shows such as "True Blood" and "Boardwalk Empire" in the Klipsch listening lounge; and they could gather lots of goodies, from handbags to headphones to high-end baby strollers.
Among the offerings: UppaBaby's $680 Vista stroller (outfitted with shock absorbers and an organic bassinet with a pull-out sun shade); rare and red-carpet-ready blue diamonds from jeweler Sophia Fiori; Brahmin leather handbags (popular Saturday with actress Melissa Joan Hart and TV personality Samantha Harris); indestructible steel "True Blood" headphones by V-MODA; and vegan footwear from Michael Antonio Shoes.
Devine, who won her Emmy at last week's Creative Arts ceremony, was all smiles as she navigated the crowded suite. Other guests included Penny Marshall, actress Lorraine Bracco and "Entourage" star Jerry Ferrara.
More gifts were handed out in Hollywood at the GBK Tic-Tac Gift Lounge at the W Hotel. But the most coveted prizes won't be presented until Sunday, when the Emmys are awarded.
AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen can be reached at .
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Sep 16 2011
We frequently ask ourselves in investing properties: ?What is a wiser or better step? Invest for a residential property? or invest for a commercial property? For many successful real estate investors, it is way wiser to invest in commercial property. So why is it advisable to invest in a commercial property? Here are the few good reasons: First, think about which type is highly profitable when investing a property. It is easier to invest in a residential property as it only involves fewer money than a commercial property. But, this could also imply that your profits may be lesser. A commercial property on the other hand, can be more expensive and may normally be regarded to be higher risk investments, but this would also mean that you may have better potential returns. Compared to a residential property, commercial property is highly profitable and if you have the means and resources then go for a commercial property. Leases for commercial properties tend to be much longer, the most common is five years and up. And annually, there?s always a significant change in the rental yield. Businesses who rent are oftentimes stable, therefore, they are more reliable than private tenants. And it has all the time been a practice that they are liable for repairs and they pay for it. The profit that you will be making on a number of residential properties is equal to the profit of one unit of a commercial property. Your investments on commercial properties can be successful if you have the right knowledge and education even though it has higher risk. You require to know a lot about commercial properties if you are thinking on investing on it. Learning how to prevent downfalls and the errors of other investors can help you prevent bad losses. There are so many commercial properties in Cape Town, but looking to buy one takes time, but it?s surely worth it. The first step before searching a commercial property is to consider what kind of commercial property you?re going to purchase, how you use it and how much money you can spend for it. It?s better to focus first locally, if you are in Cape Town, you should search all possible commercial properties to buy, until you have enough experience and knowledge to venture out. To help you look for a property, let?s frist discuss where you can search and how you can search a great one. If you are a first time investor, you might want to check the local newspapers, including the bulletins and local listings first. Several types of properties are listed there from time to time. Sometimes, you may witness buildings with ?for sale? signs in them as you drive around. Well, this can sometimes be exhausting and may not be the easiest way to search, but it doesn?t hurt to try. You may request for the service of a commercial realtor if you have less time to drive around. They can help you in looking for a property to buy. They can give you help and aid you locate the properties that you will match your taste and your budget. You may ask recommendations for other investors or browse your local directory if you want to find a great commercial realtor. Getting a commercial realtor is just one of the other ways to search an industrial or commercial property. If you have decided not to use the services of a commercial estate realtor, you can always find properties over the internet. Yes, anything can be found on the internet. You can just search through a lot of websites that may aid you look for a commercial property on your very own seat. You may also sign up to forums and websites. If you are looking for information about commercial properties in Cape Town, you can check the website Baker- The internet is really big, you will certainly search what you are searching for at a click of the mouse. Check your local community to look for other ways in searching a property. Various real estate associations can be great sources for available local properties. You can also be part of the local groups for building owners, shopping center owners, etc. These methods that were discussed will be able to aid you in searching for a commercial property. Not all investments end up being successful, you should keep in mind. Avoid failures and losses, educate yourself first and be knowledgeable enough before you invest on a property.
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LOS ANGELES ( ? There's a sleek, pulse-pounding, heart-racing machine in "Drive," but it's buried deeply under an oppressive package of optional extras. For all of its good ideas -- and there are plenty of them -- the film eventually buckles under an excess of style.
Ryan Gosling stars as the film's never-named protagonist (shades of the similarly nameless heroes of "Two-Lane Blacktop" and "The Driver"), who works by day as a mechanic and occasional Hollywood stunt driver, and sometimes by night as a fast and furious getaway-car driver for thieves.
His boss in all of these pursuits is the limping Shannon (Bryan Cranston), who himself lives under the thumb of mobster brothers Bernie (Albert Brooks) and Nino (Ron Perlman) -- Bernie may be "the nice one" compared to the sadistic Nino, but both siblings are bad news.
Bernie fronts Shannon the money to buy a stock car and put "the Kid" (as Bernie calls Gosling's character) on the racing circuit, but this is a movie about petty criminals looking to improve their lot in life, and on screen, that never goes well.
The Kid has become smitten with Irene (Carey Mulligan), who lives down the hall with her young son, but when Irene's husband Standard (Oscar Isaac) comes home from prison, the ex-con gets blackmailed into robbing a pawn shop to cover protection money he owes from his time behind bars. The Kid offers to drive the getaway car for Standard so that he -- and more importantly to the Kid, Irene and her son -- can be free of any further threats.
But all roads lead back to Nino, which means that no one is safe.
Director Nicholas Winding Refn has made a name for himself in international cinema with the "Pusher" trilogy, "Bronson," and "Valhalla Rising," movies that combine a bold, visionary style with an unrepentant exploration of masculine violence. And while "Drive" very much fits into that category -- we see the Kid's darker impulses become more manifest as the plot unfolds -- Refn allows his eye for stylishness to overwhelm the proceedings.
He's clearly shooting for a Michael Mann vibe, with the black-lacquer sheen of L.A. by night and the thumpa-thumpa Vangelis-meets-Tangerine-Dream score by Cliff Martinez. (Even the satin jacket favored by the Kid and the hot pink VHS-era font on the titles would have looked right at home on old episodes of "Miami Vice." That the filmmakers didn't throw in The Cars' 1984 hit single "Drive" as well is one of the movie's few examples of restraint.)
But the art direction winds up being too much; in its own way, "Drive" is as aesthetically over the top as Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette."
That's a shame, because there's a lot to admire here, from the movie's amped-up chase scenes to a charismatically monstrous performance by Albert Brooks that's like nothing you've ever seen from the comedy veteran.
Brooks' comic on-screen persona, from his own movies to his unforgettable role in "Broadcast News," have always been id-based, but here he dishes out an even darker side that allows him to pretty much steal the movie in just a handful of scenes.
Also making the most out of a small role is Christina Hendricks, who turns in her sexpot "Mad Men" outfits for some wildly unflattering and trashy ensembles. Attractive actresses often get too much credit when they're willing to ugly themselves up, but Hendricks completely buries herself into the character -- she's not just sacrificing vanity but also allowing the role to take over.
Gosling flourishes most when he's holding back his emotions -- or in rare moments, lashing out with brutality -- but his relationship with Irene never feels fully-formed, limited as it is to a series of gooey smiles the two exchange.
And while no one's going to see "Drive" for the love story, we're supposed to believe that it's the Kid's feelings for Irene that brings him out of his shell and puts him into conflict with some very bad folks, so the romance represents a major plot point even if the film never treats it that way.
"Drive" is the sort of movie that will forever more turn up on lists of "Iconic Films About Los Angeles" and "Best Car Chases," but it's a pity that its best parts are so often undercut by miscalculations from the talented Refn, who directs like a man confidently and assuredly taking a left turn into a pond and insisting that he's forging his own path.
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15 Sep
Author: admin ?// ?Category: Real Estate Marketing ? Real Estate Marketing ? Cancellation of debt income reported to the IRS on form 1099 C ? Produced by Dan Havey of Real Estate Marketing This Week Part 3 ? So we talked about 20 million homeowners are upside down on their mortgages, thousands of their homes are being foreclosed on every week, property values may still be declining in some areas. Homeowners are walking away, they are doing foreclosures, there is a deed in lieu that people may not be aware of, loan modifications in many different shapes, forms and fashions and short sales. These are all things that do have tax implications that a lot of people are not aware of. Each has its own consequences thats why we have asked Mike Patenella, a CPA to be with us today on the air. Mike tells a little bit about yourself. Well I am a CPA. I have been in public accounting since 1988, I have my own tax practice and operate out of Scottsdale, and we focus on tax-preparation, advance planning for high net worth individuals and small businesses throughout the Valley. I moved to the Valley in 1990 back from New York. You know, I have had the opportunity to work with Mike as a strategic partner as well and I share a number of clients. Each time I have had the honor of providing him a referral for tax work the outcome has exceeded expectations, so I am really pleased to be part of the discussions today and to work with such a great group. It has been a pleasure, and again if you?re talking about ?
Tags: Estate, Foreclosure, Loan, Marketing, Modification, Part, Real, Sale, Short, Taxes
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The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) recently released its annual teen survey exploring, amongst other things, the relationship between Facebook and kids and teens and their potential to use and abuse illicit drugs.
Asking the question, ?In a typical day, how many hours do you spend on Facebook, Myspace or other social networking sites,? the survey confirms that 70% of kids visit social sites daily.
It is on these networking sites that kids are exposed to images of other kids abusing illicit substances.? This exposure makes kids anywhere from two- to five-times more likely to abuse those same substances.
But it isn?t just social media sites that wield a powerful influence on kids.? Reality television shows ? which also often portray illicit substance abuse ? increases the rate of substance abuse by its viewers, compared to non-viewers.
Clearly, I think it is a broad statement to say that ?social networking? or ?reality programming? is the cause of substance abuse amongst kids and teens.? But repeated, and prolonged exposure of kids to images of substance abuse will lead to an increased chance of substance abuse.
I can?t speak for the television industry, but as for the social media industry ? especially social sites for kids ? I agree with and promote the premise of the survey?s findings:
?The time has come for those who operate and profit from social networking sites like Facebook to deploy their technological expertise to curb such images??
I?d like to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 14th, 2011 at 10:12 am and is filed under Facebook and Kids. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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SEATTLE, WA, Sep 13, 2011 (MARKETWIRE around COMTEX) ?
Marketfish, a self-service lead era height for list
marketing, now announced dual new affiliations that position the
company as a explorer in certainty and online remoteness in list
marketing. Now TRUSTe-certified and a member of a Online Trust
Alliance (OTA), Marketfish tackles some of a industry?s most
complex business hurdles with a joining to best practices in
securing patron information and ensuring privacy.
Privacy issues have historically tormented a list selling industry,
causing widespread distrust among targeted customers. In an bid to
stem these sentiments and revive patron trust, Marketfish has
aligned with TRUSTe, a heading Internet remoteness services and seal
provider, and OTA, a tellurian attention organisation committed to
advancing best practices and enhancing consumer trust in online
?Our alliances with TRUSTe and OTA simulate a invariable commitment
to gripping patron information secure,? pronounced Dave Scott, CEO of Marketfish.
?With a TRUSTe acceptance and OTA membership, we are pulling the
parameters of a list selling attention as a whole to spin safer
and adopt tolerable best practices and transparency.?
?Our organisation with OTA and TRUSTe move extensive value to
Marketfish and a customers,? pronounced David Fowler, arch privacy
officer of Marketfish. ?By aligning with a OTA and TRUSTe
principles, we illustrate a low joining to privacy, and take a
proactive position in reforming a complexities compared with
ensuring privacy.?
OTA develops and advocates policies, procedures and best practices
around remoteness for organizations, brands and consumers. As a member
of OTA, Marketfish will attend in a ongoing attention dialogue
around these vicious issues.
?Data breaches, miss of information stewardship and rapist activity plague
the expansion and vitality of online services,? pronounced Craig Spiezle,
president and executive executive of a OTA. ?As Marketfish looks to
deliver devoted communications to yield value to consumers and
brands, they?ve indicated, by their leadership, that trust is a
key member in their efforts. Their appearance is vicious to the
trust ecosystem, that in spin is a substructure of a online
TRUSTe provides Internet remoteness acceptance and compliance
solutions to assistance businesses foster online reserve and trust. The
TRUSTe trustmark guarantees that a company?s information government policies
and procedures have been reviewed and accommodate TRUSTe?s program
standards, that are formed on a multiple of remoteness frameworks
such as a US-EU Safe Harbor, regulatory discipline such as a Fair
Information Practice Principles, attention standards and reports, such
as a National Institute of Standards and Technology remoteness and
security report, and customer and consultant review. By displaying the
TRUSTe trustmark, Marketfish signals a loyalty to ensuring the
privacy and certainty of a customers, providing them with an
important value proposition.
?Being means to safeguard remoteness is generally vicious to both our
clients and eventually a businesses and finish users they serve,? said
Fran Maier, President of TRUSTe. ?By aligning Marketfish with
industry best practices, a business and their finish users feel more
comfortable, eventually benefiting from increasing uptake in the
offers presented them.?
About Marketfish ( )
Marketfish is a 100%
self-service lead era platform. The use creates building and
executing targeted list selling campaigns discerning and easy. With more
than 250 demographic categories to select from, Marketfish?s
cloud-based height enables users to strech their ideal assembly in
seconds, build a campaign, and afterwards lane opening regulating real-time
data. With a pay-by-campaign model, users usually compensate for what they use.
Founded in 2008, Seattle-based Marketfish is now saved by
Rustic Canyon Partners, Javelin Venture Partners, and Accelerator
Ventures. For some-more information or a giveaway exam expostulate of a platform,
please visit .
About TRUSTe ( )
TRUSTe is a heading online privacy
solutions provider and provides a extended apartment of remoteness services to
help businesses build trust and boost rendezvous opposite all of
their online channels ? including websites, mobile applications,
advertising, cloud services, business analytics and email marketing.
Over 4,000 web properties including those from tip companies like
Apple, ATT, Disney, eBay, Facebook, HP, Microsoft, Nationwide,
Pfizer and Yelp rest on TRUSTe to safeguard correspondence with elaborating and
complex remoteness requirements. TRUSTe?s mission, formed on a ?Truth in
Privacy? framework, is laid on a plain substructure of transparency,
choice and burden per a collection and use of
personal information. TRUSTe?s remoteness pointer is famous and trusted
by millions of consumers as a pointer of obliged remoteness practices.
For additional information on TRUSTe and a offerings, greatfully visit .
About a Online Trust Alliance ( )
As a member
based non-profit, OTA?s idea is to rise and disciple best
practices, training and open process that lessen emerging
privacy, temperament and certainty threats to online services, brands,
government, organizations and consumers. OTA?s idea is to increase
consumer protection, clarity and control of their information and
online activities, thereby enhancing online trust, confidence, and
the long-term vitality and creation of Internet formed services.
Media Contact Jennifer Rivera Ridless BOCA Communications Email Contact +1-415-738-7718 x5
SOURCE: Marketfish
Copyright 2011 Marketwire, Inc., All rights reserved.
Want the rest of this article? Please visit Here
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You must have heard of the phrase, ?A building is only as strong as its foundation.? Without the strong foundation, a house will crumble down and be in shackles. The same goes for marriage as well.
Several factors contribute toward building a successful marriage relationship ? trust, honesty, understanding and other core values of life. ?And then there is one thing which no one can deny- the importance of friendship in a marriage relationship.
A strong and close friendship between partners creates a solid foundation for a strong, healthy marriage. It is the genuine friendship between spouses that can help partners manage the toughest times in a marriage.
When you are friends with your partner, everything is so much more fun. You can joke and laugh about silly things and not worry what your spouse will think. Friendship in a marriage relationship gives that level of comfort where you can share your thoughts and feelings without any inhibitions. It makes the communication between two individuals so much easier.
You can?t be romantic and intimate 24 hours a day. You need a friend in your partner ? someone you can really talk to. The point is that friendship leads to an open and honest communication between partners. You can say whatever you want to say without worrying about being judged. So here are few things that can help you build friendship in your ove and relationships :
The first step to become friends is get to know your spouse well. Get to know what your husband?s favorite dishes are, what dresses and colors your wife likes. Make efforts to know with whom your partner gets along well at his/her workplace, which relatives he/she likes the least, which cousins he/she is closest to, who are his/her best friends, what are his/her dreams, aspirations and so on. Knowing your partner well will only strengthen your marriage relationship.
Generally, when couples are dating, there is a tendency for you to see things through rose colored glasses. But once couples get married, they tend to start finding faults in each other. So if you really want to build a strong friendship with your partner, begin to focus on your partner?s positive traits. Accept you partner, the way he/she is. A marriage relationship requires unconditional acceptance of each other. You have to understand that you can?t change the other person. So it?s better to change your attitude and place more emphasis on the positive traits of your partner than the negative ones. Notice the generous things your partner does for you and thank him/her for that.
Just like true friends, be very comforting and supportive when your partner is low. If your partner has suffered some setback personally or professionally, be present and offer supporting comments. And when your partner wants to do something new, be encouraging and supportive.
A relationship can be strengthened mainly by investing your time in it. Spend quality time with your partner discussing the things you like ? be it your families, recent book you have read, movies, politics, sports and whatever interests both of you. Or go on walks together, watch a movie, take a vacation and go to explore your favorite place together, have dinner together and so on.
Apart from all this, you can also watch really beautiful and meaningful motivational videos with your partner. Watching these beautiful inspirational quotes videos can be great fun and conveys really useful relationship advice.
Jim Anderson is a freelance writer who writes extensively about how to solve problems and stress in love relationships and marriage relationships and helping to make ALL of your relationships more satisfying and fulfilling. His articles offer love advice and relationship tips and talk about motivational videos and inspirational quotes that help partners improve their relationships.
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BANGKOK -- Thai veterinarians say a 22-year-old elephant was wounded when he wandered into neighboring Myanmar and stepped on a land mine.
Soraida Salwala of the Friends of the Asian Elephant conservation group in northern Thailand says the pachyderm's left foot was severely hurt in Sunday's blast in Myanmar's Kayin state.
Salwala said Tuesday that the elephant named Pa Hae Po was taken by truck to the group's hospital in the Thai city of Lampang and is expected to recover.
The elephant is the 14th such injury to be treated at the hospital since it began operating in 1993. He joins three other land mine victims that remain hospitalized at the facility.
Rights groups say both the Myanmar army and rebels have laid mines during decades of conflict.
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Auto Loans Bad Credit Online: Smart Way to Finance Your Vehicle
Article by Mark Nikolos
With the internet everything is available at the convenience of sitting before your computer. Loans too are available online which are convenient and easy. Auto loans bad credit online are available to anyone who wants to buy a car.
Many people who have late payments, missed payments, etc suffers from bad credit score. These people are neglected by the lenders. There are loans for them but they carry a high interest rate. Auto loans for bad credit online are designed in such a way that they are beneficial for the lenders compared to the other loans in the market.To avail the bad credit auto loan online you must submit your updated credit report to the lender. The lender charge the interest rate based on these updated credit score. Generally bad scorer has to pay high interest rate.
Online bad credit auto loans have secured and unsecured option. You may buy a new car or used car through these loans. Generally the loan is secured against the car and you get the possession of the car when you repay the loan fully. The loan amount depends on the value of the car and the rate of interest depends on the market rate and the loan amount. The loan term is generally varies from 1 year to 10 years.
Every lender has his website. The borrowers can search for different loans for bad credit people and ask for quotes. These quotes are given to the borrowers free of charge. The borrowers can compare these quotes and get the best suited deal for them. When the borrower is filling the online form for an auto online bad credit loan, he must take care of the details. All the details must be true and accurate. This will ensure the fast processing of these loans. Online calculators can help with the calculations of the loan term and interest rate of these loans. There are financial institutes who give free consultation to the borrowers.
About the Author
Mark Nikolos is an expert consultant on bad credit car loans. His expertise in this field gives him an edge when it comes to providing information on technicalities and what to keep in mind when financing your car. To find bad credit car loans, used car loans visit
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Tags: Auto, Credit, Finance, Loans, Online, smart, Vehicle
Sen. Jon Kyl
Continue ReadingThe Senate minority whip?s retirement next year frees him from the political pressures of a reelection bid. But Kyl, 69, a conservative stalwart, has already injected the supercommittee with what he called ?a dose of realism,? threatening to drop out if it pursues deeper cuts to defense programs. He?s played this role before. Along with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), Kyl bolted the Biden-led deficit talks earlier this year when Democrats insisted on tax increases.
Rep. Jeb Hensarling
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) turned to Hensarling, the House Republican Conference chairman and one of his top lieutenants, to co-chair the supercommittee. The five-term Dallas congressman did a previous stint on the Simpson-Bowles fiscal commission that failed to send a deficit package to Congress. While he?s proclaimed everything is on the table, Hensarling, 54, is a hard-line fiscal conservative who?s unlikely to do an about-face on new taxes or back off his calls for deep cuts to entitlements. ?I approach our task with a profound sense of urgency, high hopes and realistic expectations,? he said.
Sen. Pat Toomey
The freshman?s appointment is a nod to the tea party, which propelled him into office last year. As a past president of the conservative Club for Growth, expect Toomey, 49, to be one of the deficit panel?s most vocal critics of tax increases. He voted against two bipartisan compromises this year that staved off a government shutdown and debt default and has said he?ll push his fellow members to go beyond its $1.5 trillion deficit-cutting goal. But Toomey has signaled he?s open to overhauling the tax code, giving some Democrats hope he?s interested in a deal.
Rep. Dave Camp
Camp, 58, is the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which has authority over taxes and entitlement programs. He?s recently collaborated with his Senate counterpart, Montana Democrat and fellow supercommittee member Max Baucus, on ways to overhaul the tax code to create jobs and spur economic growth. With tax reform central to the new round of negotiations, their partnership will continue on the deficit-slashing committee.
Rep. Fred Upton
Upton snagged the chairman slot on the Energy and Commerce Committee just last fall, but the 58-year-old Upton has served in the House for nearly a quarter century. He cut his teeth in the Reagan White House, working under then-Budget Director David Stockman, a former House member whose seat Upton later won. On key votes, he?s sided with GOP leadership over the tea party wing and is seen as the House Republican on the committee most likely to cut a bipartisan deal.
Sen. Rob Portman
Portman has a thick r?sum? and budget expertise that belies his freshman title. After 12 years in the House, he served as President George W. Bush?s U.S. trade representative and budget director and advised top GOP leaders during the recent debt talks. While fiscally conservative, Portman, 55, is regarded by both parties as a pragmatist and has a record of working across the aisle on issues as diverse as energy efficiency and pension reform, signs he?ll likely be part of any bipartisan compromise that emerges. He opposes tax hikes but wants to close tax loopholes and end other special preferences so long as the revenue is used to lower overall rates.
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Introduction to Information Technology and IT Consultancy
Information technology (IT) is the design, development, installation, and implementation of computer-based hardware and software systems over a broad spectrum of computer applications and telecommunication systems. Successful IT implementation is concerned with the storage, transmission, and distribution of information over a well-designed architecture of systems, enabling employees and organizations, developers and end-users to interact with one another. Hence, successful IT development and implementation is concerned with converting information into knowledge that is understood by all entities.
In today?s technologically driven corporate environment, no organization of any importance can exist without the assistance of computer-based technologies. Personal computers, shared networks, as well as programming and telecommunication systems, all depend on a well-designed information system to function as a unit. Computer-based systems help organizations process and catalogue information in a coherent manner, enabling such information to be disseminated to various end-users. Moreover, computer-based systems depend upon a well developed programming language to solve any issues and perform designated functions.
In the business world, IT professionals may be called to perform a variety of functions that range from installing applications, designing complex computer networks, engineering computer hardware to creating efficient information databases and softwares. ?Increasingly, IT development is integrated with multimedia and telecommunications as more complimentary technologies such as cell phones, televisions, and even automobiles are integrated into a diverse network of systems.
While many organizations have in-house IT support to manage their various existing systems, some projects may be outsourced to various IT consultation firms- especially if the organization does not have the resources to implement the project successfully. Organizations that require the development of entire integrated systems and the overhaul of existing systems or various maintenance needs will utilize the expertise of an IT consultation firm.
There are many IT consulting firms competing for business, so organizations need to choose the most experienced and competent consultation firm to implement their projects. One of the best ways to source the most appropriate IT consultation firm is through references from colleagues, the Internet, as well as IT and business journals.
Once several promising IT consulting firms have been selected, the organization should ask each of the consulting firms for a client reference. Organization representatives should contact the reference and inquire about the consultation firm?s ability to develop and implement IT projects to see if it can blend well with the company?s internal culture and if it performs projects in a timely manner within the specified budget.
If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.
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