Monday, May 30, 2011

Inspired Action and Using The Law of Attraction ? Self Improvement

Inspired Action and Using The Law of Attraction

Article by Steve Trueton

There are two extreme trains of thought when it comes to how people act when they discover the law of attraction and the creative power of their thoughts. There are those who lean to the metaphysical side of the spectrum and then those who lean to the physical side.

The ones who lean to the metaphysical side tend to focus almost exclusively on the role of their thoughts in the manifestation process. In other words, someone that has been newly acquainted with the law of attraction, may develop the misguided belief that all they need to do is simply think about the things that they want in order to manifest those things into their lives. They are under the impression that they then have to simply wait for the fruits of their labour of thought, to start to fall from the sky straight onto their lap.

On the other end of the spectrum, working hard manifesting, could be thought of as the work ethic approach to deliberate creation. This method suggests that we can only achieve our desires and dreams through hard work and perceverance. Many medical studies do seem to indicate that this kind of physical work ethic can lead to stress-related illness such as heart attacks, strokes, and even cancer.

The bottom line is, only through striking a balance between metaphysical manifesting and physical manifesting can we maximize our ability to manifest the things that we truly desire, with ease and enjoyment.

The metaphysical group, have a greater understanding of the power of the mind in the process of deliberate creation and manifestation, but they can tend to overlook the need to apply physical action in the world. The second group, though correct in its understanding of the need to take action in the world, is underemphasising the power of the mind in manifesting and deliberate creation. The ideal, and most well rounded approach to creative manifestation, is to take inspired action!

Inspired action is physical action that is done from a place of mental clarity. Taking inspired action is something that we do because it feels right and resonates with us on a deep emotional level. It is not something that we do from a sense of obligation or routine, but rather something we do because we feel a deep urge that inspires us to move forward. In this current day in age, many people seem to take action because they either feel obligated to do so, or are pressured by the outside world to do so. This type of action could be classed as acts of desperation. On the flip side, inspired action is physical action that stems from our own deepest knowing, and as such, the prospect of taking this action fills us with feelings of delight and joy.

It is this kind of inspired action that is a balanced and healthy approach to manifesting your desires. With this approach, we strike a balance and bridge the gap between our desires and them manifesting into our reality. With inspired action we are combining the opposites between the metaphysical and the physical, and in doing so, we are able to create and achieve our deepest dreams and desires into our lives. So strike a balance, and reap the rewards!

About the Author

Steve Trueton ? Creator and Director of the LOA System ?Blending Science With ?The Law of Attraction? For Maximum Results?

The LOA System blends brainwave technology, meditation, subliminal audio/visual technology and neural linking affirmations and visualization whilst taking you on a breathtaking HD journey?

Visit my website at and sign up to our mailing list to receive free E-books, Video?s and MP3?s?


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