Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This project went well for a while at least . . . - Family Woodworking

I was off work today and felt motivated to do something on the lathe. LOML has been after me for a bowl to put on the table by the front door for keys and such.

I broke out a 8" x 8" by 2" piece of maple that probably originated from Allen Levine's scrap pile. I attached a faceplace, rounded it out on the bandsaw and then started on the outside profile. I got the outside profile shaped, sanded and finished after a while. I need to get somesanding tools it I'm going to do very much of this sort of work. . . I need to dig back into the archives - Vaughn has posted the tools he uses to polish his bowls.

I then chucked it up in the lathe chuck and started hollowing. I need to get some lessons . . . I ended up pretty much scraping the entire interior of the bowl at I couldn't figure out how to use the bowl gouge . . . Next stop Youtube . . .

I was getting there when I realized that it had hollowed too deep and the bottom was paper thin. I attempted to continue but a catch on the rim shattered the bowl and ended this project.

I have 3 pic attached :

One showing the outside of the bowl - sans bottom,

Another showing the inside of the bowl pieces.

3rd image showing the cross section I had at blastoff.



Source: http://familywoodworking.org/forums/showthread.php?26806-This-project-went-well-for-a-while-at-least

bank holidays bank holidays john galt john galt post office hours post office hours coptic

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