Sunday, May 13, 2012

Octomom to Tanning Mom: You Suck!

Octomom just heard about the New Jersey woman giving her a run for Mother of the Year, Patricia Krentcil, and boy oh boy, is she incredulous!

Nadya Suleman admits that while she is always inclined to give parents the benefit of the doubt ... the now-infamous Tanning Mom needs help.

If not mental help, then some serious parenting classes.

Octomom SulemanTanning Mom Pic

From one amazing parent to another ...

Octomom says she doesn't feel Patricia Krentcil should lose her kid, even though she was recently arrested for taking her little girl tanning.

She does feel, however, that Child Protective Services should step in to give Krentcil some tips on child-rearing. Hard to argue with that.

It's kind of like the pot calling the kettle bronze here. No, Octo hasn't been arrested at any point, but she's messing up 13 more kids than Patty.

In any case, when a woman who's been visited by CPS herself, filed for bankruptcy and started an adult film career (Octomom's porn video debut is slated for later this year) decides to call you out on your mothering skills ... never a good sign.

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